Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dairy Queen

My friend, E, who i'm staying with in Portland is known for her milky complexion. But also for the vast amounts of dairy she (and therefore we) consume.

I already started with a new love in the first part of my trip: yogurt based popsicles (a three layer berry/apricot/berry from Zuni when I was in the city.) Delightfully tart and zesty.

Last night was a pretty awesome buttermilk ice cream--a must try to make in the home ice cream maker!

Today we hit the road to the Tillmook cheese factory where we had samples, bought squeeky curds and an ungodly amount of cheese, had a wonderfully milky smooth (not grossly clot-y) clam chowder, and for our hearts sake, some roadside berries.


Also there were all these signs around Tillmook for "Pig N Ford". Well, we didn't know what that was. But there did seem to be a lot of fancy old roadsters around the area visiting the cheese factories. Once we got home to look it up:

Think we just missed something great.

*UPDATE-mac'n'cheese made with smoked pepper cheddar and dark IPA-yum

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